Tetsuya (徹夜 - All Night)

Jul 22, 2017 10:15
Since yesterday was a deadline for a speech manuscript at an academic conference, I did "tetuya" (徹夜).

"Tetsuya" means to do activities such as work or entertainment all through the night without sleep.

"Tetsu" (徹) of "tetsuya" means to go/become through, and "ya" (夜) means night.

Therefore, "tetsuya" means to stay awake through the night.

If work goes well by doing tetsuya, you can receive a sense of accomplishment, but you will increase mistakes due to a lack of concentration, and you will be in bad physical condition, you should avoid doing tetsuya as much as possible.

Incidentally, young people often say "all" (ォール) instead of tetsuya.

"All" is short for "all night," and it is used as "All suru" (オールする - do all).







No. 1 Wcb's correction
  • Since yesterday was a deadline for a speech manuscript at an academic conference, I did "tetuya" (徹夜).
  • Since yesterday was the deadline for a speech manuscript for an academic conference, I did "tetuya" (徹夜).
  • "Tetsu" (徹) of "tetsuya" means to go/become through, and "ya" (夜) means night.
  • "Tetsu" (徹) of "tetsuya" means to go/become through, and "ya" (夜) means night.
     "become through" doesn't make sense. Maybe you could say something like "go/put through"
  • If work goes well by doing tetsuya, you can receive a sense of accomplishment, but you will increase mistakes due to a lack of concentration, and you will be in bad physical condition, you should avoid doing tetsuya as much as possible.
  • If your work goes well by doing tetsuya, you can receive a sense of accomplishment, but you will make more mistakes due to a lack of concentration, and you will be in bad physical condition, so you should avoid doing tetsuya as much as possible.
Yeah, all-nighters are impossible for me. I really can't concentrate at all when I'm sleepy. I'm a little jealous of people who can!
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
Haha, I think that a regular life rhythm is the most important :)
No. 2 Anisha's correction
Quite an interesting entry!

I think I spent a quarter of my life doing "tetsuya" (T~T).
Thank you for your comment! :)
Oh really? That's surprising, but please take care of your health.